_______________________________________________________________________ BEATING THE COMPETITION V SR2204 _______________________________________________________________________ Differentiating HP Workstations This 2 part, 4 hour teleclass is designed to enable Channel Partner and HP SRs to "take the offensive" against workstation solutions from Sun, IBM, Silicon Graphics, as well as PC LANs. Part 1 focuses on supplementing required pre-study material with high level strategies, messages, and a review of business opportunities. Part 2 focuses on responding to competitor claims and on articulating appropriate HP differentiators. Participants include industry consultants, HP and Channel Partner Sales Reps, and Workstation Marketing Managers. STUDENT PROFILE: Part 1, HP workstation Channel Partners. For Part 2, Channel Partners, CSO SRs, sales managers and PSO Consultants who have workstation sales opportunities. PREREQUISITES: Channel Partners or HP SRs not familiar with worksations or HP's workstation product offering should complete the following recommended reading before attending this course: o SR122B: Workstation Primer o SR171: Network Technology Basics o SR1211C: Series 700 Self-Study Guide o SR125: Graphics Fundamentals o SR1220: X-Station Fundamentals Information presented in these courses will NOT be repeated during SR2204. Students are encouraged to take the Mastery Tests for these courses in order to record their completion in their training history. STUDENT PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Part 1 o Describe in general terms HP's total product offering (HP 3000, HP 9000, and X Stations) o Describe HP's future workstation direction o Describe HP's workstation differentiators. o Identify best sales opportunities. Part 2 o Describe the features/benefits of PC solution as compared to an HP workstation solution. o Counter the competitive claims made by Sun, IBM, and SGI. o Articulate HP workstation differentiators that can be used to beat IBM, Sun, and SGI. o Identify the resources and programs offered by the "PowerGraphics" initiative. COURSE OUTLINE: Part 1: Selling HP Workstations HP Product line overview Workstation future directions HP Workstation Opportunities Upgrade Opportunities Questions and Answers Part 2: Beating the Competition PC LAN Features/Benefits Positioning HP Workstations Sun Messages & Rebuttals Beating Sun Questions & Answers SGI Messages & Rebuttals Beating SGI PowerGraphics Initiative IBM Messages & Rebuttals Beating IBM Questions & Answers Certification Exercises TESTING PROCESS: Mastery Testing will be offered at the end of the program for those participants who wish to have their completion of this course included as part of their training history. ______________________________________________________________________ FORMAT: Interactive Teleclass CLASS SIZE: Not Applicable LOCATION: HP Sales Offices ORDERING INFO: Register with your TPI. Video tapes may be ordered from Carol Grant/HP0000 at HPTV following the broadcast LENGTH: 4 hours (Part 1 is 1 hour, Part 2 is 3 hours) AVAILABILITY: 2/24/93 QUESTIONS?: Contact your Sales Force Program Manager LANGUAGE: English PROJECT MGR: David Greene, Telnet/408 447-6864 EQUIPMENT: N/A